Storyteller in Texas
I've been performing in front of audiences for more than 30 years. I'm at home helping the audience to laugh, learn, and let loose. I really enjoy “Full-Contact” performances – offering the audience a chance to participate in the fun.
I've told stories on mountain tops and in valleys from New Mexico to South Carolina and many large and small places in between.
I tell cowboy tales, folk tales, home grown tales, and I guarantee to make you smile.
Great events
where I've
An Afternoon with O. Henry in South Texas
I participated in a tandem presentation with Texas Storyteller Donna Ingham in An Afternoon with O. Henry in South Texas. The Institute of Texan Cultures in San Antonio, Texas organized this event. Donna and I told favorite O. Henry stories selected from among his three-dozen tales set in Texas. The event celebrated America's master of the “twist-at-the-end,” in conjunction with the “Photographs and Paragraphs: The Images of I.N. Hall and the Imagery of O. Henry” exhibit.
Camp C.A.M.P. campfire programs
I presented six campfire programs for campers and staff members for Camp C.A.M.P. in Center Point, Texas. This camp provides outdoor summer-camp experiences for severely handicapped children ages 5-21. My programs were specifically designed to entertain campers ages 12–21 with varying degrees of physical or mental challenges. Each program was one hour long and was crafted to be quick moving with actions and character voices.
​1999 - present
For the 27th Annual George West Storyfest, in 2015, I served as Featured Teller. As Featured Teller I appeared on stage for six seperate segments of the event. Each time period required different stories to be performed. All the sessions had firm time constraints and coordination with Stage Managers and Emcees.
For the Fabra Elementary School Storytelling Festival, UTSA Storytelling Festival, Celebrate! Bandera, Tejas Storytelling Festival, and George West Storyfest, I have presented daylong programs for school children from Pre-Kindergarten to High School and stage performances. These programs involved selecting and performing age appropriate stories, encouraging group participation and interacting with school personnel.
Dobie Dichos
Campfires, Chili con Carne, and the Words of J. Frank Dobie "Any tale belongs to whoever can best tell it!" J.F.D.
A night of campfire cooking, booksigning and Texas authors' reading from the works of the master South Texas storyteller - Live Oak County born and raised. This evening is an annual event celebrating the words of J. Frank Dobie. My story was "The Headless Horseman of the Mustangs" - a Dobie classic that rivals any creepy tale you've heard.
Mary Margaret Campbell
​George West Storyfest Director
Mary Grace Ketner
Sue Kuentz
"Larry Thompson is a delight to work with and listen to. As a storyteller he has a well-earned reputation as a funny fellow, but he's quite capable of developing a serious tale as well. Whether he's telling a tall tale or a true story, he is engaging and always respectful of his audience and his material."
Donna Ingham - Great Texas Storyteller
"Whether Larry is spinning tales about cowboys, family, wild times, or even his “Oh-Hell” moments, he does it with the kind of grit and polish most can only envy. He’s more fun than the law allows."
Hank Roubicek - Radio Host: "What’s Your Story?" on Houston’s KPFT 90.1 FM


Favorite Story Requests
Too Tard to Move
Sausage on a Stick
The Unbreakable Comb
Demons in Texas
Jr. John Deere
Billy Ray Loves Moon Pies

Marvin Brown Volunteer Service Award
Tejas Storytelling Association
Will Rogers Medallion Award
Cowboy Poetry CD category
2019 & 2021
First Place Winner
Kendall County Liars Contest
Heath Library Boerne, TX
Runner-up and People's Choice Award
2nd Annual Cowboy Poetry Competition
Crossroads Ranch, Bristow, OK
Featured Teller
27th Annual Storyfest
George West, TX
2009 & 2011
"Least Forgettable Performer"
Trembling Hills Rehab
Friends and Fish Fry
First Place Winner
Houston Storytellers Guild
Liar's Contest
2015, 2019, 2020
Runner up
Texas State Liar's Contest
George West, TX
2012, 2014, 2016
Third Place Winner
Texas State Liar's Contest
George West, TX
2015 - 2017
Tejas Storytelling Association
San Antonio Storytelling Association
Course Director
Wood Badge for the 21st Century
Alamo Area Council, BSA
Awards & Appointments